Saturday, 9 July 2022

Church in Chotororo (That’s fun to say!)

Saturday morning we headed to Chotororo for church with Pastor Fred's congregation. This area has a very large Seventh Day Adventist population so many other people we drove by were also going to church today. 

Pastor Fred’s house & small farm

Typical busy “junction” at a town near our hotel

It’s very common to see livestock (usually cattle, goats, or sheep) grazing in the ditches next to the roads and highways—even right in the middle of busy towns and shops.

 A small gathering of 18 met for our worship service in Pastor Fred's house on the outskirts of town. Pastor Gurath preached on John 3:16 and reminded us of the awe and wonder of the Gospel of God's love for us in sending Jesus to save us. Even though that is a passage and a message that we are very familiar with, God's grace and salvation should still make us go "Wow!" in amazement and appreciation. I followed with a sermon from Luke 7:1-10 and the account of Jesus' healing the Centurion's servant. I encouraged the hearers with the message that the love, actions, humility, and trust that make up their faith in Jesus are strengthened by hearing and reading God's Word.

The congregation gathered for todays “house church” worship service

Pastor Fred with his infant granddaughter

Pastor Gurath delivering his sermon

After the service the women served us a delicious lunch of rice, chicken, and a cabbage side dish that tasted a bit like mild sauerkraut (maybe that's just the German in me talking). After lunch we took a walk to town and went to the "weigh bridge" where they weigh the sugar cane trucks before and after they are loaded. I was given a stalk of sugar cane to chew on like the locals do. Spoiler alert: Sugar cane tastes sweet :)

 I made a few new little friends today pretty much the moment we got out of the car at Pastor Fred's. Two of his adorable grandchildren, James (4) and Esther (5), ran up to Pastor Gurath and me and were pretty much inseperable from us the entire time, both insisting on holding hands with us for the entire walk.

My new friend Esther
My other new friend, James

The young people of our “nature walk” into Chotororororo (<-- I added on an extra “roro” but I bet you didn’t notice!)

The weigh bridge

Biting into a stalk of sugar cane.
I like to say, “I’ll try pretty much anything once…but maybe just once!”

 After our walk we all prayed together and said our good byes. 

 Back at the hotel we got some rest, worked on preparations for the upcoming pastoral conference next Tues.-Thurs., and ate dinner at our usual outdoor table at the hotel restaraunt. The sun sets early here near the equator (6:48pm) so after dinner we turned in to our hotel room.

Our outdoor table at our hotel: Maya at Holiday Point

 Tomorrow morning we head back to St. David's in Etago for church at 9am.


  1. I am so happy you sent the link to the blog! I read all of your posts (both of you) looked at all the pictures and prayed with gratitude and delight to think of the reach of our ministry to one another across God's great globe. Thank you taking the time to share your thoughts and pictures. I am forwarding the link to others at fEh. It is almost 7 pm Sunday here as I write. We will be holding our worship service in about 1 1/2 hrs. Kelly, Tracey, Stephanie, Warren, Diana, and Steven say "hi." Please pray for Tracey as her diabetes has been out of control, she was robbed of her last paycheck, and someone held her roommate at gunpoint inside Tracey's house! fEh was blessed to be able to share with her household. In return Tracey made a roast with veggies in the pressure cooker, baked a sugar free cake, frosted it with Stephanie's new amazing sugar free frosting, and Tracey baked a peach pie for Diana to share! Pray also for our sister, Betty. Betty turned 100 on July 1 but for the 5th time out of her 7 children, Donald, died two days before her birthday. I will try to upload a pic of a present to fEh from Donald. If I can't, you will just have to wait until you are here August 12 and see it. It just seems so incredible that in a blink of an eye (even if it took all day or two!) you are in a different world. And yet, part of our same family in Christ. Hallelujah, our God reigns. How exciting that you had Bibles and Catechisms to take with you. And how soon it will be that you are home again. And yet, right, earth is but a desert drear, Heaven is our home!

    1. Thank you, Joy, and everyone at Forever Easter House for your prayers! And yes, prayers for all of you and the people and situations you mentioned. The trip is going by quickly (more than half done already at the time of this message)! God's blessings in Christ to you all.

  2. I'm glad you were able to get some good ol' sauerkraut, or something like it anyway.

    1. Ha! Yes, Becca! I've been pleasantly surprised at how good the food has been here over all. One of many unexpected blessings on this trip.
